REWE – Herofilm, dc, Max Folke Prothmann

Max Folke Prothmann

EDEKA – munchietheke, 9:16

EDEKA – heisshunger

DER TOUR – young adults

DEICHMANN – muttertag

FASTER THAN YOU – shortfilm



JAILL FEAT. LX – purple punch, musicvideo

MUSICVIDEO – regenmacher


Max Folke Prothmann, born in northern Germany in 1997, is a director based in Hamburg.

Growing up as a digital native, he has been profoundly influenced by the stylistic devices originating in viral content and video games, which inspired him to pick up editing at an early age as a hobby.

After finishing school, he began working in the industry with a full focus on establishing his own visual language, incorporating his editing background and personal interests.

In parallel, he studied at the University of Applied Sciences Europe (Hamburg Campus), where he graduated in Film & Motion Design with a Bachelor of Arts, focusing on the East Asian visual language in his thesis.

Since then, he has worked full-time as a freelancer on a variety of international projects.